
My new ride.

So... most of you know that a few months ago someone decided to ruin my sweet bike. Which sucked and left me without my city transport. My parents, being the people that they are, got me a new bike for my birthday. Which is very cool, and I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, or anything or anyone else in the mouth for that matter. If I did, I'd become a dentist. But all that aside, I don't like my new bike. For one, it's a mountain bike style, which is okay, but makes traversing streets a bit more difficult (and I'm used to a street bike). And I say style because I don't know that I'd actually trust it to the mountains. The wide, soft, knobby tires generate lots of friction which helps quite a bit for off road biking, but on the streets just makes things harder. Two, it's a cheap bike. My folks are nice, but not rich, so they bought me a bike from Wal-Mart (cause they don't know about Re-Cycles). It's heavy as hell, which doesn't help anything. The derailleur is not prone to acting appropriately and tends to make the chain lock or slip at the most inopportune times. The bike pulls to the left, probably due to an error on the part of a Wal-Mart assembler person. Last but not least, it's too small for me. I need a 28" and this is a 26". I know that 26" is standard, but I'm not a standard size. Anyway, it'll still be fun, I'm just not sure what to do. I don't want to buy a new bike, 'cause I already have one. And I don't feel it's appropriate to get rid of this one. The frame itself isn't worth enough to put new equipment on. Maybe I'll put it in a yard sale. I don't know. So, like I said, I appreciate the gift, it was very nice and they wanted to do something really cool for me (probably my dad's idea), but I just don't know what to do.


had to be done...

i've been toying with the idea of changing the name of my blog. i think this suits me even better. sorry for any problems this may cause for anyone.

I Hate My Job

That's it. Really. That's what it boils down to. Chief complaint: Being good at your job and a lack of whining warrants fewer perks, higher expectations, fewer praises and more severe punishments. A.K.A. soul leaching emptiness brought to you by Famous Dave's. Thanks faceless corporate entity! But really, our clientele sucks, our management team has a combined experience level of a 14 year old virgin and can't communicate what materials with which we need to work, much less any other need that may arise from successfully running a business. I go to work everyday and stare into the blank eyes of my coworkers and sigh. Some of those faces once had the glow of vitality and maybe even happiness. No longer. Hollow expressions lie beneath the smiling facade of those who have wandered into Dave's seeking employment. Suckers! Those who can leave should do so now! Oh, how I long for the days of fewer expenditures! Soon they will come again! 10 months, I pay off my car. 13 months, no more student loan bills. Soon...yes...very soon I can leave...

I can't fucking wait.


What I'm Looking For In A Zombie Flick

I've seen many zombie flicks and while exciting, have found them lacking in some aspect or another. My friend James watched Land of the Dead, and basically told me not to bother. So, depressed that George A. Romero is not doing as well as hoped, here's what I'd like to see.
  1. a post apocalyptic world where humans have banded together in small groups to stay alive, and now have a tribal sort of existence.
  2. because of this, modern conventions are few and far between. No electricity, no gasoline, no guns. (or very little of all or some of these)
  3. LOTS OF ZOMBIE HEAD WHACKIN' MELEE!!! I'm talking baseball bats and pickaxes. HELL YEAH!!
  4. people dying...lots of zombies means fewer human survivors
  5. this leads to a whole new societal structure. I'm talking 500 years post-apocalypse, when zombies are still kicking ass and humans have had to revert to a more primitive form. But this means there's new norms and taboos too. Maybe whole groups of zombie-killers roam the land, or there's some sort of underground secret society of zombie hunters. Maybe zombie killing becomes some sort of a rite of passage for kids. I dunno... feudal japan-type society where samurai-esque warriors slice off zombie heads? Really primitive hunter gatherer types beating zombies with clubs... you get my drift.
  6. Wreckage and carnage abound!!! To hell with guns, they're too quick and too easy. Bats and pickaxes... that's what I'm talking about.
Zombie movies are awesome, and have more potential than I feel have been tapped into. Those folks from "The Walking Dead" comics should make a movie. That'd be super cool.


Getting Married Is A Pain In My ASS.

I have one caterer that apparently refuses to call me back and another that won't even send me a menu, not to mention those I can't even get a hold of. The cake bakeries are always closed and the photographer we wanted isn't available. We had to move the time from 2 to Noon just so we could have the officiant we wanted. I had to choose a BEST man!?! They're all like family to me. How could I choose? But I did.

But despite all this I love Robin so much that I'm perfectly willing to put up with all these aggravations if it means I can be her husband. I imagine there are going to be many more headaches before all this is through, I just can't wait 'til October 21.