
The snows of Kilimanjaro
are melting
I guess that means God will have
to winter in Aspen


Chesterfield Seeks To Add Intelligent Design to Curriculum

I was awakened, horrified to hear this story on the news. If you would like further info on how to contact the Chesterfield County School Board here it is.

Contact the School Board Superintendent:

Marcus J. Newsome, Ed.D.
P.O. Box 10
Chesterfield, Virginia 23832
Phone 804-748-1411; FAX 804-796-7178

You can e-mail board members at:


If you live in Chesterfield County:

go here to find your School Board rep, to find their mailbox or phone number


The Case Against Intelligent Design

I just have one thing to say. If some "intelligent designer" had a hand in making us, why the hell did he give us an extra set of teeth that virtually everyone has to have removed in order to live a life without pain? Wisdom teeth? WTF?

But I jest. On a more serious note, Chesterfield County Schools are right now drawing up plans on how to include Intelligent Design into their school curriculum. This is not a theory. A theory is something that can be scientifically challenged. A theory is based on tangible facts/evidence and repeated testing and trials. There is no way that the Intelligent Design hypothesis can be tested and therefore cannot be accepted in the scientific community. We cannot teach our children myths as facts. Imagine if we continued to allow the church to teach its "scientific" findings, the earth would still be the center of the universe, with everything revolving around it. We would still be praying for cures to simple diseases and burning great minds at the stake for their heresy. No my friends, just because science has yet to explain everything, does not mean that God stepped in to take care of those gaps.

Please, contact the Chesterfield County School Board. Tell them how Intelligent Design will hurt our children's chances for higher education and give them an unrealistic view of the way the world operates. Faith is the domain of Churches and Individuals. We cannot take this sort of proselytizing in our schools. The future of your children depends on it.


What Punk Rock Has Done For Me

1. 2 black eyes (1 pictured above)
2. afraid of cops
3. a pretty good tolerance for drugs and alcohol
4. 1 broken bone
5. a collection of black t-shirts (most of which are offensive)
6. been bloodied numerous times
7. lost myself
8. had my car towed numerous times
9. 1 riot
10. come home to a house full of squatters
11. awakened in ditch, to "you can't sleep here"
12. flunked out of college
13. made the daily choice to afford either beer or food (chose beer)
14. addicted to cigarettes
15. learned valuable skills such as shoplifting, lock-picking, and avoiding cops

16. met some of the best, most kind hearted people ever
17. decided that had I finished school on time I would have hated myself
18. learned that the best moral compass is from within
19. gained an interest in how to make the world a better place
20. hate money, don't care how much I have
21. become very intolerant of intolerance
22. gained a set of principals through which I view the world
23. found a sense of community and belonging
24. gained a wife
25. came to know myself and, as such, am the person I am today