
The Case Against Intelligent Design

I just have one thing to say. If some "intelligent designer" had a hand in making us, why the hell did he give us an extra set of teeth that virtually everyone has to have removed in order to live a life without pain? Wisdom teeth? WTF?

But I jest. On a more serious note, Chesterfield County Schools are right now drawing up plans on how to include Intelligent Design into their school curriculum. This is not a theory. A theory is something that can be scientifically challenged. A theory is based on tangible facts/evidence and repeated testing and trials. There is no way that the Intelligent Design hypothesis can be tested and therefore cannot be accepted in the scientific community. We cannot teach our children myths as facts. Imagine if we continued to allow the church to teach its "scientific" findings, the earth would still be the center of the universe, with everything revolving around it. We would still be praying for cures to simple diseases and burning great minds at the stake for their heresy. No my friends, just because science has yet to explain everything, does not mean that God stepped in to take care of those gaps.

Please, contact the Chesterfield County School Board. Tell them how Intelligent Design will hurt our children's chances for higher education and give them an unrealistic view of the way the world operates. Faith is the domain of Churches and Individuals. We cannot take this sort of proselytizing in our schools. The future of your children depends on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GAH. I had no idea that Chesterfield County was considering adding ID to their curriculum! Actually, I thought Virginia was decent when it came to this bullshit.

ID has no place in school – or really anywhere occupied by people with brains.

I'll be writing the School board.h

10:58 PM  
Blogger Val said...

I don't even now what I would do if I were asked to teach intelligent design. It seems inherently wrong to teach such a concept in a public school. When I teach the kids about natural selection, I have some scientific evidence to back it up and show them. I can't imagine having to say, "So here's this thing that some people think and there's not a whole lot to back it up, but yeah,here ya go. Do with it what you will."

As someone who believes in God, I don't think I'd be thrilled if a public school teacher tried to tell my kid that there is no God. I think parents who don't believe in God would be equally pissed if someone were teaching my kid that there is one.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Dr Jones said...

it goes both ways. the thing is, god should never come up, unless a student brings it up. so when a student brings up creationism, you tell them, "that is a belief held by some, and in order not to offend anyone we don't teach that in public schools. If you'd like can discuss creationism after class/school, or you can ask your parents about it."

And that's the thing about evolution/natural selection, the church will kick and scream and drag its heels until the evidence is completely overwhelming, then will totally shift its position and 50 years from then, pretend like it never happened. But the evidence is piling up, how would you explain that according to the bible the earth is only 7000 years old, but this fossil or this rock is 3 million years old? Then what? Evolution/natural selection just fits the scientific method. If you want to learn about religion in school, there's always social studies class.

12:13 PM  

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