
I no longer have a girlfriend.

So, yesterday I proposed to the love of my life. Luckily, she said yes! (I knew she would.) So I no longer have a girlfriend, I have a fiance! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her, she's so awesome. Thank you to Valerie and Audra for helping me put things together, and to everyone else for coming (and not spilling the beans). Yesterday was the best day of my life, to date, and I look forward to many more with Future Wife. The wonderful thing is, the families on both sides seem pleased, even excited. It's so wonderful to know that I'll be joining a family that loves and respects me already, it means a lot to me, and I know it does to Robin too.

I hope I can continue to make Robin happy throughout the rest of our years. She means so much to me. She inspires me, delights me and loves me more than I've ever felt. (Plus she's totally hot!) Robin, thank you, for everything that you are. I love you. Our wedding will be here sooner than we think, but not soon enough.


Thanks George

One of my regulars at my job gave me this joke. And I say "gave" because he didn't tell it to me, he handed me a piece of paper with this on it.

The Pentagon announced the formation of a new elite fighting force called the "U.S. Redneck Special Forces"

These men, clad in their own RealTree brand camo will be dropped into Iraq and will only be told 5 things about the Iraqis.
  1. The season opens today.
  2. There is no limit.
  3. They taste like chicken.
  4. They don't like beer, pickup trucks, country music or Jesus
  5. They are "DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE" for the death of Dale Earnhardt.
I liked it, but only because I get the feeling that most rednecks already feel that the last two may already be true.

*sigh* rednecks are so dumb.


Oh, the state we live in

So, the Virginia House passed a bill to prohibit same sex marriages and the VA senate passed a similar bill as well. Fortunately the bill has to be passed again this year before it goes before the voters in November, but this is atrocious. I read an article in the Washington Post that reports on the issue. I just don't understand why people just can't let others be happy. I thought the institution of marriage was about love and togetherness not division or hatred. Why don't we institute a provision where blacks and whites can't marry, oh wait, we did that a while ago. And it was a dumb idea. Someone please explain to me how this protects the institution of marriage and why it ever needed to be protected in the first place? If two people want to exchange vows they're gonna do it anyway. The state should legally recognize the unions, as it doesn't hurt anyone. I should say that the institution of marriage needs to be protected from straight couples who have been destroying it from the inside for decades now. If morality is the issue, look to Christ for your example. Didn't he hang out with sinners? Is this sin (if you consider it one) any worse than any other? Why don't we prohibit people who lie from getting married, after all, that would be a union based on dishonesty. Right? But then who would get married? Or even better, who cares!?! Why legally recognize marriages to begin with? What does the state have to do with our personal choices anyway? Weddings have long been a religious rite. It's just another way for the state to make money. RIDICULOUS.

If you'd like to find out to whom you can write or call go here. It's a great website, and not just for VA. Find your reps regardless of where you live.


The Right to be Governed

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness are guaranteed all men, subject only to the qualification of having been born. Of these three, Liberty is the most precious, and must be guarded above the others, for without it happiness cannot be found, and that other right, life, therefore, has been restricted. One must assume that any government that would seek to end run liberty and justify this by promising happiness and life is a tyrannical one, and as such, we the people have, not only a right, but a duty, to protect our liberty even at the expense of our lives. How does a nation of people cry out for the liberties of others without first securing its own? America has lost its way and our new King surmises to find it for us. Our happiness, having been bought by our own wealth, guarantees that our government can feel free to exile liberty and extinguish life and with it happiness and secure for themselves those things we all hold dear. Proudhon has said many things about being governed, about which I cannot agree. Man cannot stand together without an idea of brotherhood, fostered by the notion that is only forged in the bonds of nationality. But to be ruled is another matter entirely. We are spied upon, incarcerated, marginalized, disenfranchised, and our minds preyed upon by the constant barrage of messages and values that we neither created nor approved. Our government assumes authority and reacts audaciously when questioned. The same as a child, when caught in a delinquent act, at first lies about and then denies the act, and only when he sees no other means of escape, tells the truth in an attempt to redeem himself.

It seems to me implausible, if not impossible, for a man in our state to be represented by a man of his own class, unless he is of the upper class already. The economic condition of these United States is such that a man of lower economic standing has no time for the business of state. Were he to involve himself in the political arena his family would suffer from want and thus not only his own liberty but even his very life is at stake. One has no other choice then, than to elect from a pool of delegates whose chief concern is the protection of themselves and their property, not the rights of the whole. This serves to reinforce established class ranks and divide the nation on the basis of wealth and, too often, color as well. It seems to me that every perfidious act, that every treacherous exploit against the citizens of the middling and lower classes has been either perpetrated or inspired by our ruling class in a deliberate attempt to divide and allow the perpetuation of this system.

Even the definition of rule and govern differ in the tone of their implications. Rule is defined as governing power, whereas, govern is to make and administer public policy. The U.S. is a republic, and as such, the representatives are responsible to the citizens. In order to preserve the liberty of the people, one must ensure we are governed, not ruled. To pronounce others unpatriotic because they do not blindly follow a leader is subversion at its worst. Free thought and free flow of information and ideas must be maintained, regardless of the cost, to ensure other liberties are retained as well. When a republic loses its right to speak freely and seeks to suppress dissidence, it is akin to depriving a man his right to oxygen. Those representatives who allow this to happen, or even worse encourage it, no longer has the right to govern, as they have become rulers themselves.

It is my hope, that these things having been said, will percolate in the minds of my fellows, and those who have been asleep, ignoring their surroundings, will awake themselves to the offenses of our current situation. And as such, these now awakened, will be motivated to do some good, and reclaim our liberties to once again have the happiness and life we are all due. Separately our voices of dissent are easy to drown out, together, a cacophony that can destroy the bonds that restrict our freedoms.


Proclaim your Piety!

Tired of people not being able to tell just how religious you are? Do you sometimes wonder if you can spread the word of God in an easier fashion? Well then, there's good news! Your car is a wonderful way to spread the joy and compassion of Christ without ever having to be joyful or compassionate! When life starts to get you down you can rest assured that you are more pious than your neighbor. All you need is this scale to determine who has the most faith.
  • Christian bumper sticker-1 pt.
  • Decals (e.g. the "Jesus Fish") - 1 pt.
  • Offensive Christian bumper sticker (e.g. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve) - 2 pts.
  • Christian license plate - 3 pts. (b/c of the recurring cost you get more points)
  • Pictures of aborted fetuses - 4 pts.
Give yourself and appropriate amount of points for each sticker you have, then tally them all together.
  • 1-3 pts. Not very pious, check out this website to help increase your score. You may have voted for Bush, but you're probably just an old hippie.
  • 4-6 pts. Not too bad, people can tell that you probably go to church on a regular basis and you those you associate with already know you're a Christian. You probably voted for Bush.
  • 7-8 pts. Pretty Pious. In church every Sunday. Gay people make you sad and abortion makes you feel sorry for the misled women of the world. You voted for Bush in 2000, and most likely did in 2004.
  • 9-10 pts. Fundamentalist. In church every Sunday, Wednesday and any other opportunity you can get. Not only do you have a plethora of Christian stickers, but you have tons of Patriotic stickers as well. Gay people make you angry and abortion makes you fume. Your gun cabinet is probably well armed. You repeatedly tell your office co-workers to "turn or burn". You feel that America is best served by a Christian government. (That was how it was founded after all.) You voted for Bush twice and you'd do it again.
  • 10+ pts. Rabid Fanatic. You no longer go to church because they don't follow the Bible the way God intended. You spend more money on advertising your faith than on your car, your house, kids or maybe even personal hygiene. Abortion doctors need to be stopped, since the state won't do it maybe you should. America is a place full of heathens and you long for a country that you can go to (or establish) that is based solely on the principals of faith. Frothing Bush fan. Cowboys and bombs make you happy and there's nothing like the idea of nuking the entire middle east.
Don't worry about your actions in this life, forgiveness is just around the corner. If you only choose to follow some of the commandments, make it the good ones. And remember, if you claim Christ the loudest and most often, he'll be sure to save a special place just for you.


My birthday was freakin' sweet!!

So, I think I had the best birthday I've ever had. For those of you who don't know, it was Friday, the 3rd. My beautiful girlfriend took me to eat at Olive Garden and then we went to Chuckie cheese's. She gave me a new pair of blue Chuck Taylor's. With my tickets I redeemed two things: a slinky (I always gets a slinky) and a cool helicopter toy. You pull the zip cord and the thing takes off. It's freakin' sweet. I played with it for hours, and it was only 30 tickets!!!! We left Chuckie Cheese about time all the little booger eaters started getting out of school. Later on, we went to Mexico Restaurant for dinner. I had so much fun, and I'm ashamed to admit, but I think my Girlfriend plays pinball better than I do. (Yes, that's a picture of me pouting) That's okay, I still whipped her ass in skeeball. Thank you girlfriend for the best birthday ever, next time we'll get you a helicopter toy too.


How you know she's the one

So I figured out a way to determine if your significant other (SO) is the one for you. Picture yourself in a building full of Zombies. Your SO sees, or knows, that you're in the building. And without hesitation or debate dives in to save you.

So I thought about this with my girlfriend, and I know she'd do it. I can see her now, hair pulled back into a ponytail, sweat dripping from her brow. Zombie brains all over her. Golf club in one hand, and that beautiful smile on her face. We'd kiss, and it would have that awesome movie moment when the whole world stands still, then we realize we have to leave. But it's okay, 'cause now we're together and we're gonna make it.

I sure do love that girl.